Friday, January 27, 2012

I Am Exhausted

          I am exhausted. My eyes are tired, my shins are sore, my head won't de-fog. Whenever I feel like this, the first thing to go (meaning, the first thing I cut out of my day) is technology. I ignore people if they text me, I don't check my Facebook much less any other kind of social media, and my e-mails just keep piling up. I am a news freak but on days like this I don't even read the news. The internet becomes almost repulsive to me. I understand why, I am trying to distance myself, to give myself space and time to think. Anything would be better in those moments than a computer screen.Though I don't react quite as this guy did, I can almost understand where he is coming from.
          But this time I had a thought. How long will it be before I don't have a choice in the matter? Jessie Carter posted a video yesterday that got me thinking. It was a phenomenal video, depicting life in the midst of amazing technology. The people looked very happy, as all people in advertisements should, but today as I feel so drained, I couldn't help but think about how days like this would be if I could never get away from the technology. Right now I could shut my laptop and turn off my phone and filter it all out, but if the entire world ran that way, how could I ever escape? I feel very lucky to live with as much technology as I do, but how much is too much?
          I do realize the irony, here I am blogging about how much I want to get away from technology, but I wanted to see if it would help. Sometimes, when you don't want to do something, you just have to start, right? and then you get into it as you keep going. I'm not sure if it's working or not.
          I have lived in a time where technology was something you could escape from, at least for a little while, but I wonder if my children will be able to? Food for thought. I realize that this post doesn't necessarily have a historical application, but it was just too long for a tweet or a Google+ status.

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