Hwanhi and I have been tossing around some ideas for the structure of the event, and we would love a little bit of feedback. I thought I would lay out a couple of options for you guys, please let us know what you think! Be critical, we want to know realistically what you think will or won't work.
Possibility A: Traditional TED-ish event.
- Each group would present their topic for 5 minutes, each presentation would be as lively as possible an would discus the tweethis of that particular group.
- We would have a live backchannel and live video feed for our digital audience.
- Though this method is tried and true, it is fairly lacking in audience participation. How do you feel about that? Do you want the audience to participate in your presentation?
Possibility B: Modified TED Event
- Throughout the night, a moderator would take questions from the backchannel to then discuss openly. This backchannel would be available by text and via internet to accommodate both present and remote audiences.
- Question and answer sessions could lengthen the time of our event, but could also facilitate a much more involved audience after the event is over. Thoughts?
Possibility C: Blitz Style
- Each group would get one minute to explain their topic, then would separate into groups of two presentation topics and would give their presentation to a limited number of the audience in a side-room. The audience members would choose which topic to follow and would be able to engage in a much more in-depth discussion and lesson from their respective groups.
- Groups would have more time to explain their tweethis and to facilitate a greater level of discussion.
- Logistically, this would be the most difficult method as we would need to procure a camera and literal room space for each set of groups as opposed to just the one, but do you think that this logistical problem is worth the experience it might give the audience?
Do you want more time for your group?
We would love to facilitate more interaction between the audience members themselves, do you have any ideas of how we could do that?
Please let us know what you think! We certainly need the feed-back.
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