The fun project could be a great start. By creating a social change here on campus, we are not only using our skills of digital literacy, we could then compile that knowledge and then write a book about it, after we have actually done something with all of our hypothesizing. The Girl Effect is a movement that I have recently become very interested in, and I would love the opportunity to do more with it. But theres also the Action Against Hunger movement, the Global Fund, which leads the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria in third world countries, Educate America, and so many more wonderful causes that could use our help.
I believe that we will best learn how to more fully function in our digital society and how to integrate the skills of digital literacy and active participation by choosing to act for a specific cause, something that we feel passionately about and that we want to be a part of. We will learn to participate not just because we have to, but because we have the skills to do so. I don't want to just write an e-book. I want to make a difference. What about you?
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